Artificial Construct for RPG  

version 2023.2.0b

Cerebrated by CCN Studios

(Firefox and Chrome only, no mobiles) 




Welcome to Free Form Programming Language:

to power the designers and players to create their own highly customized and infinitely variational games.

All RPGs you see and play are created by Free Form Programming Language's highly intuitive Spoken Free Form English phrases.


Construct low poly trees pice by piece to learn 3D geometry

gameid: ccn/dara/tree

Pencil Drawn Module + Frankenstein Avatar

gameid: ccn/dara/cyl1

gameid: ccn/dara/risa

gameid: ccn/dara/parasites

CCN Internal games

gameid: ccn/dara/plane       (used for actual programmer training)

gameid: ccn/dara/plane2    (used for actual programmer training) 

ccn/dara/ccnlogo3v2     CCN's own Brandscaping!

Keyboard Controls

W/A/S/D movements 

Shift+WASD to speed up

Q       Slide (Jump and then Slide, to get Karate airborne kick)

R        Punch 

E/F/C/V      Hammer strikes (only when Rocket Hammer is the weapon)

X                     Toggles Force Field on/off

Z                     Attack Drone view Toggle   (follows the player)

ZZ                 Spy Drone Toggle                   (follows the player)

Dance Controls

P, O, I, U

L, K, J, H

Enter into the input box on the top left of the screen and might take up to 45s to load the entire game!

Note: Mobile UI left exposed for testing and evaluation purposes. 


Known Issues

  • CORS Policy failure for some network connections, stay tune for updates
  • UI does not work for mobile browser, mobile UIs in coming next release

See character design and Free Form Creations by CCN's students: